Enhanced Remote Responder Services and Capabilities
Leveraging the existing capital investment of ATSC 3.0 Datacasting infrastructure to combine the higher availability of national broadcast distribution with Edge Life cycle management and Resilient Connectivity to protect lives, property and natural resources for Enhanced First Responder Services and Capabilities.

Bonded Cellular and Beyond
While bonding cellular connections may provide enough bandwidth for high-quality live video and real-time data exchange in mobile and nomadic scenarios, there are scenarios where aggregating other connections makes sense for greater connection diversity, resiliency, and continuity.
Resilient Wireless Technology
Designing the wireless transmission solutions used by modern communications systems—especially portable devices reliant upon many wireless networks—requires a keen understanding of systems design considerations and trade-offs in the context of constraints imposed by safety requirements, by regulatory requirements, by the physics that govern RF performance and by the needs of particular use cases.
Smart Blending Technology
Access to reliable connectivity is critical to today’s organizations. Having only one connection path leaves organizations vulnerable to having insufficient bandwidth to carry out key tasks, or in the worst case, downtime. Dejero Smart Blending Technology is a new approach to connection aggregation that delivers improved reliability, expanded network coverage, and greater bandwidth.
Dejero Hybrid Encoding Technology
Dejero has developed a highly specialized Hybrid Encoding Technology ideally suited for low-latency, live video contribution scenarios. This solution works in concert with our Emmy® award-winning Smart Blending Technology to form a tightly integrated system which maximizes video quality by responding in real time to changes in network characteristics and video content.
Field Connectivity in a 5G World
For Dejero, 5G is simply a new ingredient in our blending recipe, joining 4G, satellite, Wi-Fi, and broadband connections. With Smart Blending Technology, we are embracing the transition as 5G, LTE, GEO satellites, and emerging connectivity options come online. This resource provides an overview of 5G technology, key industry applications, and the rollout realities.
Enhancing SD-WAN Performance
SD-WAN is both a response to and an enabler of, the ongoing adoption of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and other cloud-based solutions. For many organizations, the shift to the cloud has caused branch offices and remote locations to become less dependent on MPLS links to the head office, and instead become more reliant upon high-speed connections to the public cloud.